Archive for October, 2014


WHAT IS PREVENTION? prevention |priˈvenCHən| verb the action of stopping something from happening or arising: crime prevention | the treatment and prevention of AIDS.

Wrapped up in Hope Photo from Shutterstock

Wrapped up in Hope
Photo from Shutterstock

You might have noticed October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Again. I’m a survivor. I get it. I wouldn’t wish this disease, or its treatments, on anyone.

Like most everyone else who receives a breast cancer diagnosis, I hit the Internet and researched causes of cancer. I found a treasure trove of tips, herbs, exercise, and foods that can help prevent cancer. I found environmental toxins that are shockingly allowed into our food supply, our air, and our water. The list is enormous.

Surely others have done the same research. Why then, is breast cancer still so prevalent in our world? I have a theory.

Most current research indicates that every body has cancer cells, but in healthy individuals they remains dormant, kind of like the herpes simplex virus that causes fever blisters. That makes sense to me.

Next we have triggers. For example, I get fever blisters if I get stressed, dehydrated, or bump my lip. Those things, as well as a fever will cause fever blisters on my lip. Now let’s consider viruses, like the Human Papilloma virus. What if similarly, a virus causes breast cancer?

For me, that might go like this… Like everybody else, I already had cancer cells in my body. Then, as I went about life in our current environment I was introduced to triggers; chemicals in food, in cosmetics, BPA, additives, dyes, and the virus that we now suspect causes breast cancer. The list is very long; our environment is now full of cancer-causing agents.

At some point, I was exposed to the virus that causes breast cancer, and I reached a saturation point and my body’s ability to block the triggers from unleashing the cancer could not keep up. Now the virus is active and I have breast cancer.

Could this be why we can’t seem to get this disease under control? Could we be looking at it all wrong? Marching to the wrong drummer? Isn’t it time to change the conversation from awareness and cures, to preventing breast cancer? I’m weary of all the hype around awareness. I’m sick – quite literally – from the cures.

Isn’t it time to change the dialogue from cures to prevention?

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